
Noah is no longer taking on new clients as a literary agent, but he has always devoted much of his time to giving back to the writing community and to helping aspiring writers in any way he can. To this end, if you would like him to speak to your writing group or university, and if he has the time and availability, then he will (for free—he does not accept any fees). He has produced audiobook editions of two of his bestselling books on the craft of writing (The First Five Pages and The Plot Thickens), and he gives both of these away for free to help the writing community. He has also written two books—How to Write a Great Query Letter and How to Land (and Keep) a Literary Agent—that he gives away for free as a way to help aspiring writers, in addition to over 100 pages of free advice compiled from his former blog (Ask a Literary Agent). He has heard back from countless authors over the years that his advice has made the difference in their becoming successful authors, and nothing gives him greater joy. So, while he does not have time to answer query letters and emails individually, please feel free to read (and listen to) his many free books and audiobooks.

Additionally, if you are suffering from any sort of hardship (and/ or if you serve in the military), please email Noah and let him know, and he will send you all of his published books for free. Email him at Noah{AT} (replace the {AT} with an @ symbol).

Additionally, as a way to give back, Noah chooses several emails each month to answer specific questions about getting published. He cannot answer every question, so we cannot guarantee a response, but if you have a publishing-related question (and if you have already read his free ebooks which answer most questions and still have a question), then email him at advice{AT} (replace the {AT} with an @ symbol).

If you have a rights inquiry or wish to contact him for some other matter, email him at Noah{AT} (replace the {AT} with an @ symbol).

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